CHILDREN AT RISK’s 3rd annual North Texas Children’s Summit: The Future of Our Children
Join us on June 21st for the Children at Risk’s 3rd Annual North Texas Children’s Summit: The Future of Our Children! This event’s aim is to bring together a variety of experts and community members to discuss the trends, emerging issues and innovations that will impact Dallas’ children and their futures. The conference will feature presentations from:
Chris Durovich, Children’s Medical Center on the Status of Children’s Health, Elizabeth Wattley, Paul Quinn College on Food Deserts and Community Impact, Danny Henley, Zero to Five Funders Collaborative on Collaboration in Early Childhood , Jason Roberts, Build a Better Black on Designing Better Communities for Children, Dr. Robert Sanborn, CHILDREN AT RISK with a Snapshot of Dallas and Texas Children, and more!
Tickets are $35 and lunch is included. Click here to purchase tickets and for more information.